Ji Woong (Brian) Kim

I am a PhD student at Johns Hopkins University, where I work on robotics and deep learning.

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Towards Autonomous Eye Surgery by Combining Deep Imitation Learning with Optimal Control
Ji Woong Kim , Peiyao Zhang Peter Gehlbach , Iulian Iordachita , Marin Kobilarov
CoRL, 2020
paper/ video

Performing advanced microsurgical tasks in eye surgery by combining learned planner and standard optimal control

Autonomously Navigating a Surgical Tool Inside the Eye by Learning from Demonstration
Ji Woong Kim , Muller Urias Peter Gehlbach , Gregory D. Hager , Iulian Iordachita , Marin Kobilarov
ICRA, 2020

Learning to perform surgical tool navigation in a simulated environment via end-to-end deep networks.
